Hollywood Smile in Turkey

Our brightest representation of happiness, fulfillment, and confidence is a smile. However, what occurs if we’re not entirely happy with it? We frequently ask how we might get the coveted Hollywood smile that we see on the stars, regardless of the issue—stains, crooked teeth, or misaligned teeth. Discover how Prof. Clinic can give you the Hollywood smile of your dreams in Turkey, transforming your smile and giving you the confidence you deserve.

Hollywood Smile in Istanbul Turkey - Prof Clinic Istanbul

What Is Hollywood Smile?

The Hollywood smile is a type of smile whose teeth are flawlessly white and smooth. Celebrities and Hollywood stars have been known to have this smile, which is frequently the result of dental aesthetic operations.

The teeth of the Hollywood smile are shiny, symmetrical, white, and usually at the same level as the gums. Typically, veneers, porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, or dental crown treatments are used to create this smile.

The Hollywood smile is typically crafted to complement one’s facial features and is meticulously coordinated to produce a natural appearance. Consequently, after considering the patient’s features, facial shape, and tastes, dentists and dental estheticians design a personalized treatment plan.

Experience the Advantages of a Hollywood Smile in Turkey

Embrace a smile makeover like no other with a Hollywood Smile in Turkey. Benefit from state-of-the-art techniques, advanced materials, and skilled dental professionals. Enjoy significant cost savings without compromising on quality. Explore the advantages of having your Hollywood Smile in Turkey and unlock the potential for a stunning, camera-ready smile. 

Hollywood Smile in Turkey

Pain-Free Perfection: Best Hollywood Smile in Turkey

Worried about discomfort during the Hollywood Smile procedure?
Fear not. Our expert dentists prioritize your comfort and utilize modern techniques to ensure a pain-free experience.
Let go of your dental anxiety and embrace the journey to a captivating smile, knowing you’re in safe hands.

Hollywood Smile Types in Turkey at Prof Clinic

One of the most often used methods for getting a Hollywood smile is dental veneers. To improve the visual appeal of the teeth, this process entails applying thin shells of composite or porcelain to the front surface of the teeth. Veneers can be used to fix gaps, chipping, discoloration, and other issues with teeth.

One more well-liked method for getting a Hollywood smile is laser whitening. This process brightens and removes stains from teeth using a unique light-activated gel. It works well to remove stains brought on by smoking, consuming particular foods, or consuming coffee or tea.

Results from laser whitening can usually be seen right away and can usually be completed in one session. This service is provided by the top clinics in Istanbul, along with other cosmetic dentistry procedures including crowns and implants.

There are various methods available for executing the Hollywood smile aesthetic procedure. The most often utilized are:

Dental Implants

One or more missing teeth may be restored with a single implant or a full mouth restoration. For these situations, a dental implant—which is made up of a fake tooth and a connecting body—is a reliable and long-lasting solution. For our international patients, Tooth In Turkey also provides same-day dental implants, which simplify their lives.

dental implants in turkey

Dental Crowns

Are you disappointed with the uneven appearance and yellow patches on your teeth? Dental crowns might be more your style. Furthermore, a dental crown is just a strong covering that surrounds your broken tooth. You have options for dental crowns made of various materials, depending on your condition and the advice of our professionals.

Dental crowns made of metal, zirconia, or E.max each have many advantages and benefits.

Dental Crowns in Turkey.

Porcelain Laminate Veneers

These are extremely thin porcelain veneers that are bonded to the teeth’s front surfaces. Everybody is worthy of a stunning smile. For this smile, porcelain laminates are aesthetically pleasing, long-lasting, and safe restorations that can be placed virtually without requiring any tooth tissue resection.
Because there is little to no tissue removed from the tooth to form the lamina, the procedure is protected. Because they are extremely thin, they are also quite successful visually.

Porcelain Laminate Veneers in turkey

E-max Crowns

These unique crowns are composed of lithium disilicate. These crowns have great strength because they are constructed from a single block of material. As a material for restoring crowns, lithium disilicate is renowned for its superior durability and aesthetically pleasing nature. Because E-max crowns are somewhat translucent, they most closely resemble the color of your teeth. Its characteristics have made it a well-liked option for crown restoration, particularly on front teeth.

E-max Crowns in turkey

Teeth Whitening

A cosmetic dentistry procedure called teeth whitening is used to restore teeth that have become discolored or yellowed over time. While this procedure is almost painless, patients with extremely sensitive or fractured dentin may find it unpleasant.

LED light and hydrogen peroxide gel, or saturated hydrogen peroxide, are the main components of the treatment. A dental plate is used to apply the gel to the teeth; this plate is made by pre-imprinting the dental arches. The duration of the treatment will vary based on the patient’s tooth enamel condition, ranging from 20 to 1 hour 30 minutes.

Teeth Whitening in turkey

Ideal Candidates For Hollywood Smile Procedure

Hollywood Smile is typically used in cases of: 

  • Changes in tooth color (including the consequences of tooth decay).
  • Cracks in the teeth.
  • Poorly developed tooth or irregularly shaped tooth.
  • Enlarged interdental spaces.
  • Formation of pigment on the dental implant.
  • The appearance of pigment spots around the structure or on the tissue.
  • Tooth enamel defects (also caused otherwise than as a result of tooth decay).

Features of the Hollywood Smile at Prof Clinic

The Hollywood smile is not just a fad, it is a symbol of aesthetics and perfectionism in dentistry. Let’s take a look at its main features:

Color: The radiant whiteness of the teeth, measured on the international Vita scale, where the ideal color is A2 – a slightly yellowish shade that looks natural.

Shape: The teeth are uniformly shaped, with slightly pointed tips, which gives the smile an aesthetic appearance.

Size and Proportions: Balance is important – the teeth should be large enough to be visible, but not too large or angular.

After Care of Hollywood Smile

To maintain a beautiful smile, you will need special care:

  • It is necessary to brush your teeth every day for at least two minutes in the morning and in the evening.
  • Find the right toothpaste from your dentist.
  • Floss after every meal.
  • If you want to replace your toothbrush every three months, it will become bad and unusable after that period.
  • Visit the dentist every six months for professional teeth cleaning.


You should also avoid bad habits that are bad for your teeth:

  • Don’t smoke.
  • Do not bite the seeds, especially the nuts.
  • Limit your intake of sweets.
  • You need to eat more calcium foods.
Best Hollywood Smile in Turkey-Istanbul

Cost of Hollywood Smile in Turkey

Curious about the investment required for a Hollywood Smile in Turkey? Our transparent pricing and exceptional value make it accessible for everyone. Discover the Hollywood Smile transformation without breaking the bank. Contact us for a personalized quote tailored to your unique needs and desired outcome.

Beyond Hollywood Smile: Exploring Alternatives

Looking for alternatives to Hollywood Smile? Prof Clinic offers a range of exceptional cosmetic dental procedures tailored to your specific requirements. Explore the possibilities and discover the best solution for your smile transformation journey.

Exquisite Craftsmanship: Hollywood Smile in Turkey Procedure

Best Hollywood Smile in Turkey-Istanbul

Curious about the Hollywood Smile procedure? Dive into the world of dental artistry as our skilled professionals meticulously craft your dream smile. Explore the techniques used in Hollywood Smile in Turkey and witness the remarkable results achieved through our expertise.

Why Trust Prof Clinic in Istanbul For Your Hollywood Smile Procedure?

Best Hollywood Smile in Turkey-Istanbul

Prof Clinic in Istanbul occupies a prominent place in a field as competitive as that of medical tourism in Turkey. For what? The reason for its success lies above all in the quality of care it has been offering to its foreign patients. Innovative dental treatments are recognized for their effectiveness and durability.

Specializing in cosmetic dentistry, this dental clinic in Turkey offers a wide range of care and treatments using the latest technologies: Emax dental veneers, dental implants, crowns, Hollywood Smile, etc. It also practices teeth whitening.

Prof Clinic makes it a point of honor to respect the quality of service, hygiene rules, and the well-being of its patients. Its multidisciplinary and multilingual dental team is made up of experienced dental surgeons holding dental degrees who regularly follow additional training and participate in numerous symposia and medical congresses.

Planning Your Hollywood Smile Turkey Operation

Embarking on your Hollywood Smile journey is an exciting endeavor. Let us guide you through the planning process, ensuring a seamless experience from start to finish. Schedule a consultation today and take the first step toward your stunning Hollywood Smile.

Hollywood Smile in Turkey Before and After

Unlock the Power of a Captivating Smile with Prof Clinic’s Best Hollywood Smile in Turkey

Contact Us Today to Discover More Information About Hollywood Smile in Turkey

At Prof Clinic, we have been successfully performing Hollywood smile procedures for decades. Providing quality of life and meeting the aesthetic and health expectations of our patients.

We will be happy to answer all your questions about Hollywood Smile. You can get your free consultation now!


The Hollywood smile procedure is usually painless. Patients may experience slight discomfort during the process, but it is usually well tolerated. Your dentist will take care of your comfort during the treatment.

The duration of the Hollywood Smile procedure varies depending on several factors, including the complexity of the case and the number of teeth involved. On average, it can take 2 to 4 hours for a complete smile makeover.

It is individual, but for the best aesthetic result, it is usually necessary to veneer the front 6 to 8 teeth.

Teeth after grinding to ceramic veneers are minimally sensitive, as it is the finest possible grinding performed by the doctor under a microscope.

Most often, veneers are glued within 7 working days, and during that time the patient has temporary resin veneers on his teeth, with which he can function fully.

Ceramic veneers essentially become part of your teeth, so patients usually get used to them quickly. Teeth in general, as well as those with veneers, must be taken care of regularly, cleaned and twice a year undergo a preventive examination and professional dental hygiene.

When the patient takes care of the teeth and cleans them regularly, the lifespan of the veneers is approximately 10 years. With veneers, the patient can function fully, and they do not restrict him in any way.