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Guide about Bariatric Surgery in Turkey (Types, Best Clinic, Cost)

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Guide about Bariatric Surgery in Turkey (Types, Best Clinic, Cost)

Bariatric surgery is a type of surgery that helps in weight loss and fitness. Surgery is an option for people who are obese and have not been able to lose weight with other methods such as exercising or modifying their diet and proper nutrition. If you are obese, have a high BMI, and struggle with obesity-related health problems 

a bariatric surgeon, who specializes in bariatric surgery and gastric bypass surgery, can help you with Diabetes and some other health problems that may improve with weight loss. 

There are different methods for weight loss surgery. The type of bariatric surgery that suits each person depends on various factors. This includes your general health condition, health needs, and preferences, which will be chosen with a free consultation at Prof Clinic with a super-specialist surgeon. 

In this article, Prof Clinic will explain bariatric surgery with its different types, benefits, and more!

Bariatric Surgery in Turkey-best Bariatric Surgery in Turkey-Prof Clinic

What is bariatric surgery?

Bariatric surgery, which is also called metabolic surgery, is a group of surgeries that are performed to help obese people lose weight. If you have not got the desired result from various and strict diets, bariatric surgery in Turkey is one of the most effective weight loss types.

Different bariatric surgery types in Turkey work by modifying and altering your digestive system (usually the stomach and sometimes the small intestine) to regulate the amount of calories you consume and absorb. They can also reduce hunger signals from your digestive system to your brain.

These bariatric surgeries can help treat and prevent many metabolic diseases associated with obesity, including diabetes and fatty liver disease. But you should know that weight loss surgery is not just an easy “quick fix”. To succeed in this path, you need prior preparation and long-term lifestyle changes afterward.

What Medical Conditions Require Bariatric Surgery?

Obesity is associated with many chronic diseases, many of which can be life-threatening. These conditions and factors improve to a great extent after surgery and weight loss. If you are a candidate for bariatric surgery, you may already have or be at risk for any of these conditions, including:

  • High Cholesterol

Hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol) means that your blood has more fat molecules than normal. These molecules can accumulate and lead to blockages in your blood vessels. This is why high cholesterol can put you at risk of stroke or heart attack.

  • High Blood Pressure

Hypertension (high blood pressure) means that the force of blood flow in your blood vessels is too high. This wears down the walls of your blood vessels and puts you at risk of heart attack and stroke.

  • High Blood Sugar

Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) has a lot to do with insulin resistance and is considered a precursor to diabetes. If left untreated, it can damage your nerves, blood vessels, tissues, and organs and increase your risk of many diseases.

  • Type 2 Diabetes

Excess fat storage can lead to insulin resistance in the body, leading to adult-onset diabetes (type 2). The risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases by 20% for every one-point increase in BMI (body mass index).

  • Heart Disease

Obesity can lead to heart dysfunction and congestive heart failure. It can also cause plaque to build up inside the arteries and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

  •  Kidney Disease

Metabolic syndromes related to obesity, including high blood pressure, insulin resistance, and congestive heart failure, are the main causes of chronic kidney disease and kidney failure.

  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea

 People with untreated sleep apnea repeatedly stop breathing during sleep when their upper airway becomes blocked. These intermittent periods reduce oxygen flow to vital organs and put the heart in particular at risk.

  • Arthritis

Excess weight puts more pressure on joints such as knees. This increases your chances of developing osteoarthritis (a degenerative joint disease) or makes it worse if you already have it.

  • Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

It happens when your body begins to deposit excess fat in the liver. Having this condition can lead to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, a chronic inflammation that can cause long-term damage to your liver.

  • Cancer 

While the relation is not fully understood, obesity is associated with an increased risk of more than a dozen types of cancer. It also increases the risk of dying from cancer by more than 50%.

Types of Bariatric Surgery in Turkey-Prof Clinic

What Are The Different Types Of Bariatric Surgery In Turkey?

  1. Gastric Sleeve
    Gastric sleeve, also called sleeve gastrectomy, is the most common bariatric surgery in Turkey and worldwide, which may be because it is relatively simpler and is either safe or minimally invasive for most people. In sleeve gastrectomy surgery, they simply remove a large part of your stomach, about 80%, and leave a small, tubular part like a sleeve.
    This method naturally reduces the amount of food you can eat in one meal and makes you feel full faster. It also reduces the hunger hormones that are normally produced in your stomach. This helps stabilize metabolism, reduce appetite, and regulate blood sugar.
  2. Gastric Bypass
    Gastric bypass is also known as Roux-en-Y, which is a French term meaning (Y-shaped). In this method, first, surgeons create a small bag from your stomach in the upper part and separate it from the lower part of the stomach with surgical staples. Your small intestine is then divided into two parts and the new part is brought up to connect to the stomach pouch.
    Food now flows through the new, now smaller stomach into the lower part of your small intestine, bypassing the rest. This causes your stomach to hold less food and also limits the amount of nutrients your small intestine can absorb.
  3. Gastric Balloon Surgery
    Gastric balloon surgery is performed through the mouth without physical surgery with local anesthesia. In this surgical procedure, a large volume of the stomach is filled with a balloon containing a special gas or liquid.
    People who perform gastric balloon in Turkey will feel full with little food consumption and thus experience weight loss. The gastric balloon can reduce between 20 and 30% of excess weight, which is less used due to its high risk.
  4. Gastric Band
    An adjustable gastric band is a silicone device placed around the upper part of the stomach to limit the amount of food a person consumes. Its effect on obesity-related diseases and long-term weight loss is less than other methods. Therefore, its use has decreased greatly in the last decade.
    The feeling of fullness depends on the degree of constriction created in the opening of the stomach and the rest of the stomach. The opening size can be adjusted by injecting fluid through the subcutaneous port. Food passes through the stomach normally but is restricted by the narrowing caused by the band. This method is less successful against type 2 diabetes and has few effects on metabolism.
  5. Duodenal Switch
    A less common type of weight loss surgery is called biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD-DS). In this procedure, your surgeon removes part of the stomach to create a gastric sleeve, such as a sleeve gastrectomy. The sleeve is then attached to a portion of the lower small intestine. The sleeve holds far less food and your body absorbs far fewer calories and nutrients from food.
  6. Gastric Botox
    Gastric botox, also known as endoscopic botox injection, is a non-surgical procedure that involves injecting small amounts of botulinum toxin (botox) into the stomach muscles. Botox is a neurotoxin that blocks the release of acetylcholine (a neurotransmitter that signals muscles to contract).
    Botox injection into the stomach muscles relaxes them, which slows down the digestion process. This can lead to a feeling of fullness, which can help reduce food intake and weight loss.
    The stomach botox method needs to be repeated in many different and continuous sessions for maximum effectiveness, that’s why it is less popular.

How Much Does a Bariatric Surgery Cost in Turkey?

More and more people are traveling abroad in search of more cheap options due to the continually rising expense of medical care in other countries.

Turkey has some of the greatest options for gastric sleeve surgery, with excellent results and exceptional post-operative care. Turkey is one of the most popular medical tourism destinations globally.

A gastric sleeve in Turkey can cost anywhere from $3,250 to $5,500.

Is it Safe to Have Bariatric Surgery in Turkey- Prof Clinic

What Are The Benefits Of Bariatric Surgery?

Significant and sustainable weight loss
Bariatric surgery is the only treatment that is effective for class III obesity in the long term.

Reducing hunger hormones and improving metabolism
Bariatric surgery is the only obesity treatment that resets your body’s metabolic system after obesity to prevent weight gain.

Controlling Blood Sugar and Cholesterol
Weight loss surgery often improves diabetes symptoms and helps people with various metabolic syndromes to avoid the need for medication.

Longer and healthier life
In addition to reducing the diseases and discomforts associated with obesity, weight loss surgery can increase your life. Many scientific studies have shown that bariatric surgery reduces the risk of death from any cause by more than 40%.

Why is Prof Clinic The Best Choice For Bariatric Surgery in Turkey?

At Prof Clinic, we are committed to providing personalized bariatric surgery procedures in Turkey and ensuring that this procedure is performed correctly.

What do we offer you?
Experienced Surgeons
At Prof Clinic, your body will be in the hands of surgeons experienced in bariatric procedures. Our doctors have considerable years of experience in bariatric procedures and are prepared to find the best solution for you according to your needs.
Proven Results
A bariatric surgery aims to enhance your health. Our doctors will evaluate your personal qualities and need to give you the best results.
Postoperative care
Proper post-operative care is essential to achieve the best results. Your doctor and Prof Clinic’s team will remain available to help you and monitor your recovery with regular check-ups.
Excellent Prices
With our comprehensive treatment packages, bariatric surgery in Istanbul is available at affordable prices.

Final Point

It is better to know that the basic and important pillar of each of these types of bariatric surgeries is to observe all the care points with which you can achieve your desired success and result. Otherwise, you may suffer from complications. It is also necessary to get help from an expert and experienced doctor in this field to achieve the desired results. The best weight loss and metabolic surgeon can be the best option for a bariatric surgery consultation and also the most suitable person for surgery. Try to complete your research before bariatric surgery so that you can get the best results from your surgery. Most of the results depend on the surgery according to your physical condition and the experience and skill of the doctor. So be careful in choosing your surgeon.

Fortunately, you have come to the right place. Here at Prof Clinic, we have the most skilled surgeons in Turkey to give you bariatric surgery results that exceed expectations.


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