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The Advantages Of Gastric Bypass Surgery in Turkey

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The Advantages Of Gastric Bypass Surgery in Turkey

One of the gastric bypass surgery in Turkey treatments used to treat excessive obesity is sleeve gastrectomy. A major amount of the stomach is removed during this procedure to lower the size of the stomach and the quantity the patient can eat. The patient’s general health is enhanced through the surgical technique known as gastric bypass…Procedures, Anticipated Outcomes For Postpartum Plastic Surgery in Turkey

Gastric Bypass Surgery in Turkey - Prof Clinic Istanbul

Qualified gastric bypass surgery and his medical staff carry out the operation, which entails a number of steps including assessing the patient’s fitness for surgery, putting him at ease for the procedure, carrying it out, and providing the required post-operative care. A small tool is inserted through the skin and guided into the stomach during the procedure, after which a sizable portion of the stomach

steps of gastric bypass surgery in Turkey - Prof Clinic Istanbul

The basic steps of gastric bypass surgery in Turkey:

By reducing the size of the stomach and altering the digestive tract’s path, gastric bypass surgery in Turkey helps the body produce more of the hormones that control hunger and fullness, which helps people lose weight. Basic procedures for a stomach reduction operation include:

-Patient preparation:

Through the required examinations and analyses, the patient’s condition is evaluated and his suitability for reduction surgery is determined.

-General anesthesia:

is administered to the patient before the operation.


The stomach is reduced in size and cuts vertically; a portion of this small stomach is attached to the small intestine.


Following surgery, wounds are stitched shut.

-Condition monitoring:

Following surgery, the patient’s condition is checked to make sure there are no complications.

Recovery time:

The patient needs to recuperate for two to three weeks before getting back to normal activities.

The precise steps for stomach reduction gastric bypass surgery in Turkey vary depending on the type of surgery and the technique used, so the patient should consult the doctor to learn more about the treatment and any potential consequences…Get Free Medical Consultation with Prof Clinic Istanbul the best clinic in Turkey.

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