Who doesn’t like to stay young… or in other words, who wants to be old. If the time can be turned back, then facelifting surgery is a better option. Facelift in Turkey is very popular these days for old or aging skin. It is a process of rejuvenating the sagging skin which is being adopted by many people.
Prof Clinic promises you to get the best facelift surgery in Istanbul to improve the aesthetics of the face without distorting it, obtaining a double beneficial effect, both aesthetic and psychological.

What is a Facelift Surgery?
Facelift surgery is also called rhytidectomy surgery, with the help of which wrinkles and other sagging skin are removed from the face. Facelift surgery is usually performed to look younger and reduce other facial symptoms caused by aging.
Due to advances in aesthetic medicine and the increase in average life span, more and more people are now living to old age. With aging, wrinkles, sagging skin and sun spots start appearing. However, the effects may also vary depending on the skin type.
People who have thick skin have more problems with sagging skin. Similarly, people who have thin skin start having the problem of wrinkles. When a person grows old, the collagen present in his body starts losing elasticity and the fat of the skin starts decreasing. In such situations, wrinkles start appearing in the skin.
Facelift surgery in Turkey helps you look younger by tightening sagging skin. With the help of this surgery, excess skin is removed from the face, sagging tissues are tightened and folds are removed, thereby improving your appearance.
Ideal Candidates For Facelift Surgery in Turkey
A facelift is generally not for anyone under the age of 30. In most cases, a facelift works best for people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s when signs of aging begin to become prevalent.
Symptoms of aging may include the following :
- swelling under the eyes
- loose skin around the neck
- Folds near the jaw and mouth (nasolabial creases)
- Sagging skin beneath the jawbone, also known as jowl midface sagging
How Many Types Of Facelifting Are There?
You have two types of options in this. Non-surgical facelift and surgical facelift. In non-surgical face lifting, there is no surgery, no incision, no injection, and no bleeding. These machines create stretch marks from inside your skin through ultrasound rays. In this, natural serums are inserted into your skin using fillers and Botox injections.
In surgical face lifting, your skin is stretched, and an incision is made and most of the fat is removed. There are many types of surgical facelift. But mainly, two types of facelift surgeries in Turkey are done. The facelift procedure is selected for you according to your needs and facial structure.
1. A Traditional Facelift
This process starts at your temples in the hairline, continues down and around your ears, and ends behind your ears in your lower scalp.
An incision may be made under your chin to improve the appearance of your neck. While the surgery is more extensive than a mini-facelift, and thus requires more recovery time. Its results are better.
Through incisions located just behind the hairline, near the temples, and around the front of the ears, hidden in natural folds, a cosmetic surgeon can reposition the deep tissues beneath the skin and remove excess skin to smooth creases. A traditional facelift can remove, and eliminate sagging skin.
2. Mini Face-Lift
A Mini facelift procedure in Turkey is a slightly modified version of the traditional facelift. Both are complex cosmetic procedures that involve the use of incisions to remove and stretch the skin. If you want to achieve the goals of a facelift with fewer incisions, and you have less excess skin to remove, you may be a candidate for a mini version.
Despite its name, the mini facelift is still a major cosmetic procedure. Mini facelift is an anti-aging surgery that focuses on sagging skin. Cosmetic surgeons address this by “lifting” your skin upward through small incisions. They will also remove excess skin during the procedure, which in turn can help tighten your skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
Sometimes an eye lift or brow lift is also performed along with a mini facelift to help maximize your results. This is because this facelift technique only targets the lower half of your face – primarily your jawline and cheeks.
Benefits of Facelift Surgery in Turkey
- Improving the shape of the lower jaw
- Tighten the cheeks
- Lightening fine lines from the nose to the corners of the mouth
- Skin tightening and excess fat removal from the neck (double chin and weak bands)

Facelift Results at Prof Clinic

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What Preparations Should Be Done Before Getting Facelift Surgery in Turkey?
The following preparations are usually done before facelift surgery:
- You are called a few days before the surgery, during which you will be physically examined and all your health information will be taken. With its help, it is confirmed whether surgery is suitable for you or not.
- The doctor will examine different parts of your facial skin to find out how much elasticity your skin has. During this, mainly the skin of the cheeks, near the eyes, and the neck is examined.
- If you have any health-related problems, allergies infections, infections, etc., then you should inform the doctor about these before the surgery. So that these conditions can be corrected before starting the surgery.
- If you are taking any type of medicine, herbal product, vitamin, mineral, or any other supplement, tell your doctor about it. This is because some medicines thin the blood, which have to be stopped for some time before and after surgery, as they increase the risk of excessive bleeding during surgery. Blood thinning medications commonly include aspirin, naproxen, and warfarin.
- If you start feeling symptoms like flu, cold fever, etc. a day or two before the surgery, then inform the doctor about it at the same time.
- If you smoke or consume alcohol, your doctor may advise you to quit these a few days before and after surgery.
- You have to go for the surgery on an empty stomach, for this, you are advised not to eat or drink anything after midnight on the day of the surgery.
- Before surgery begins, photographs of your face are taken from different angles so that the results after surgery can be compared.
How Is Facelift Surgery Performed?
Facelift surgery is performed by injecting local or general anesthesia. Local anesthesia numbs only the area to be operated on, and general anesthesia puts you into deep sleep, so you do not feel anything during the surgery.
The facelift surgery procedure may vary slightly depending on your needs and facial structure. However, generally, facelift surgery is performed as follows:
- First of all, an incision is made around the ear on the edge of the hair, which is as long as the other end of the ear. The size of the incision is kept small or increased as per requirement.
- After making the incision, the skin is moved aside so that the tissue beneath can be accessed.
- The muscle area under the skin will be repositioned and tightened. If there is excess fat, it can also be cut and separated.
- An incision is then made under the chin and excess fat and muscle in the neck will be removed.
- When excess fat and skin are removed, the incision is closed with stitches or staples, and the entire surgical area is covered with a bandage.
- While closing the incision behind the ear, a drainage tube is placed, with the help of which the blood and other fluids accumulating in the surgical area automatically come out. This tube is usually removed after a day or two.
- Facelift surgery usually takes two to four hours.
- After surgery, you are shifted to the recovery room, where the medical staff will closely monitor your physical signs. In most cases, the patient is allowed to go home on the same day as the surgery. Some people may be kept in the hospital for two to three days, which completely depends on the health of the patient.

What Are The Risks Of Facelift Surgery?
Facelift surgery can involve the following risks and complications if it is not performed under the hands of skilled surgeons.
- Nerve damage during surgery
- Infection
- Pain all the time
- Feeling numbness at the surgery site
- The wound not healing completely
- Permanent scar formation at the site of surgery
- Fluid accumulation under the skin (seroma)
- Lack of flat skin
- Visibility of stitch marks on the face
- Difference in skin tone
- Abnormal facial shape
Contact Us Today to Discover More Information About Liposuction in Turkey.
At Prof Clinic we have been successfully performing Facelift for decades. Providing quality of life and meeting the aesthetic and health expectations of our patients.
We will be happy to answer all your questions about facelift, ensuring excellent results in terms of naturalness and stability over time from the hands of our expert surgeons.
FAQs About Facelift in Turkey
How much time does a facelift procedure take?
Facelift is done under General anesthesia and takes around 4-5 hours.
What is the best age to undergo facelift surgery?
The best age for a facelift is 45-60 years. Because at this age signs of aging start appearing. So a facelift will help remove wrinkles and make you look younger.
Is it worth having facelift surgery?
Facelift gives long-lasting and effective results, so if you want to look younger than it is helpful to undergo facelift surgery.
How long does the youthfulness of facelift surgery last?
Answer: The results of facelift surgery may not be permanent. But they are expected to last for at least 10 years.
How much does facelift surgery cost ?
The cost of a facelift in Turkey depends largely on the surgeon, the type of facelift performed, and whether the patient has requested the facelift in conjunction with other procedures. Many surgeons offer payment and financing plans that make surgery affordable for everyone.
What are the benefits of Facelift procedure in Turkey?
The benefits of a face lift can be huge! When we have improved our physical appearance, we tend to feel more confident, both in social interactions and in career paths, and this is true for both men and women. A facelift can improve a person’s overall appearance and how they are perceived by others, giving them greater self-confidence.
What type of anesthesia is performed during facelift surgery in Turkey?
The facelift is usually performed under general anesthesia (i.e. the patient is completely asleep), but it is also possible to carry out the operation under local anesthesia with intravenous sedation.
Are facelift scars visible?
In facelift surgery, the incisions are barely visible because they remain hidden in the hair, as well as in front and behind the ears. Sometimes an incision under the chin may be necessary to improve the appearance of the neck, but this scar is also generally not very visible.
After the facelift, when is it possible to resume sporting activity?
Starting from the third week you can gradually resume carrying out all normal activities including sports, as long as you avoid making sudden and exaggerated movements with your neck. Swimming is not recommended for a few months until the facelift scars are fully healed.