Breast Augmentation Surgery In Turkey

Breast augmentation in Turkey is one of the most common plastic surgeries. It is performed for aesthetic reasons if there is a desire to improve the shape and size of the breast, provide a lift, and make it fuller and more toned.

Prof Clinic is the Best Clinic in Turkey where plastic surgery and breast augmentation in Istanbul are performed by surgeons with many years of experience. Carrying out the operation at Prof Clinic provides the desired aesthetic effect and gives our patients confidence in their attractiveness.

Portrait of doctor with measure tape measuring the size of the patient's breast for Breast reduction surgery.

Ideal Candidates for Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation surgery is necessary in the presence of aesthetic defects that do not suit the woman:

  • Small breast size
  • Asymmetry
  • Ptosis due to breastfeeding or sudden weight loss
  • Age-related changes.


Breast augmentation surgery is usually combined with nipple lifting and correction. For example, after lactation the breasts sag, become flabby, and stretch marks appear on the skin.

Reasons Women Get Breast Augmentation Surgery

After childbirth

During pregnancy, the glandular tissue of the breast can more than double in size, and its shape changes. However, after stopping breastfeeding, the level of the hormone prolactin decreases and the woman’s breasts deflate like a balloon. The firmness of the breasts after childbirth is lost due to the weakening of the pectoral muscles. The skin becomes flabby and stretch marks appear.

Age-related changes in skin structure

At a young age, breasts look as attractive as possible thanks to skin that is rich in elastin and collagen. These components are a kind of frame for the mammary glands. Over time, the reserves of these structural components decrease and the breasts gradually sag and stretch marks appear.

Dramatic weight loss

 A woman’s breasts consist not only of mammary glands; they also largely contain adipose tissue. Unfortunately, when you suddenly lose weight, the fat mass disappears most quickly from the chest area. As a result, it loses its former shape.

Sagging breasts

 The force of attraction is felt most by women with large breasts, but it affects the attractiveness of any woman’s breasts. A breast lift or implants will help solve the problem.

Breast asymmetry

There are different degrees of asymmetry of the mammary glands. Both the shape and size of the breasts can vary. Most often, asymmetry occurs due to genetic abnormalities, hormonal changes in the body, pregnancy and breastfeeding, and menopause.

Small size

Many girls are not satisfied with their appearance; they want a fuller and more toned bust, and this is normal. If your breasts have long been formed, but their size leaves much to be desired, Prof Clinic will help you achieve the desired size using suitable methods.


Benefits of Breast Augmentation Surgery in Turkey

  • Correction Result to the Breast 
  • Getting your breasts to the desired size.
  • Giving volume and anatomically correct outlines.
  • Getting rid of the effect of sagging in the postpartum period.
  • Elimination of asymmetry.
  • Improving the shape of the nipples.
  • An increase in volume has a positive effect on self-esteem and increases confidence in one’s attractiveness.

What Are The Differences Between Breast Augmentation Surgery Options At Prof Clinic?

Breast Augmentation Surgery Options at Prof Clinic


Procedure Overview

At Prof Clinic, breast augmentation surgery is performed on a turnkey basis, including preliminary preparation, surgical intervention, and postoperative care. During the consultation, the doctor, together with the patient, selects the shape of the implant. 

Implant Shapes

  • The round shape of a hemisphere provides a push-up effect, suitable for patients with round breasts. 
  • The teardrop shape is anatomically natural and follows the natural contours of the mammary glands. It is recommended for patients with cone-shaped breasts. 

Implant Material

Both forms of implants are filled with medical silicone, which provides natural softness and elasticity. 

Incision Options

Areolar: The incision is made in the nipple area, in this case, a good aesthetic result is achieved when the scar is almost invisible, this type of access can be called “classic” in the practice of a plastic surgeon.

Inframammary: The incision is made in the inframammary fold, this is the most universal and technically accessible method of performing plastic surgery.

Transaxillary: In this case, the implant is inserted into an incision in the armpit; the main advantage is the complete invisibility of the postoperative scar.

Considerations for Breast Augmentation Incision Type

When choosing a method for installing an implant, not only the wishes of the patient are taken into account, but also the characteristics of her physique, height, weight, and width of the chest. In the presence of soft covering tissue, breast augmentation through an incision in the armpit allows you to completely hide the scar when it is not in contact with the mammary gland.

The axillary incision option is the most technically difficult and can cause complications if performed incorrectly. Performing breast augmentation surgery in this way can only be entrusted to a qualified plastic surgeon with many years of experience.

When choosing an access option, the individual characteristics of the breast structure and the general health of the patient are also taken into account. She has the final say, and the doctor’s opinion is advisory. The surgeons at Prof Clinic set themselves the task of not only improving the aesthetic appearance of the breasts but also maintaining the possibility of breastfeeding in the future.

Breast Augmentation in Turkey: Before and After Results

How Is Breast Augmentation Surgery Performed At Prof Clinic?

Breast Augmentation Surgery in Istanbul at Prof Clinic consists of three stages: preparation, operation, and after-operation period necessary for recovery.

Preparatory Stage

The patient comes for a consultation with our plastic surgeon to agree on the desired shape and size of the breast and choose the shape of the implant. The preparatory stage is necessary for taking tests and conducting research. These include general and biochemical blood tests, general urinalysis, coagulogram, and examination for infections (HIV, hepatitis B and C virus, sexually transmitted diseases). The patient receives a referral for an electrocardiogram, fluorography, ultrasound examination of the vessels of the lower extremities, and ultrasound of the mammary glands. If the operation is planned after 40 years, you need to additionally visit a mammalogist.

The more thoroughly the preparatory stage is carried out before surgery, the lower the risk of complications and implant rejection.


Carrying Out Surgery

Breast Augmentation surgery in Turkey is always performed under general anesthesia. In this regard, on the eve of surgery, there is a ban on eating and drinking water.


Breast Augmentation Surgery Stages:

  • Administration of anesthesia
  • Marking by the surgeon in the areas of intended impact
  • Treating skin areas with antiseptic solutions
  • Cutting using the chosen method
  • Insertion and placement of the implant
  • Suturing
  • Transferring the patient to the ward and monitoring her condition.

The duration of breast augmentation surgery is 1.5–2 hours and depends on the method of execution.


Immediately after completion of the operation, the patient is put on special compression garments. It performs several tasks: it promotes the formation of the desired breast shape, minimizes the risk of infection and the formation of keloid scars, and accelerates the healing and recovery process. Wearing underwear during the rehabilitation period helps protect muscles from injury and reduces the load on the spine.


After Breast Augmentation Surgery 

After breast augmentation surgery, there are two recovery periods. This is an early period, which lasts up to one month, and a late period, during which the final general restoration of the body occurs, and the result is visualized.

After the operation, the patient spends 1–3 days in the hospital. This is necessary to monitor and exclude complications. If she feels well, she can go home for further recovery.

During the recovery period, patients experience pain of varying intensity. To eliminate them, painkillers are taken. Throughout the early recovery period, your doctor will also prescribe antibacterial medications to prevent the risk of inflammation and suppuration.

Pain and swelling in the first days after surgery are not regarded as complications. This is a natural reaction of the body to surgical intervention. To assess the success of recovery, the period of reduction in pain and swelling is taken into account.

Postoperative Complications of Breast Augmentation Surgery

  • The appearance of extensive hematomas.
  • Development of the inflammatory process.
  • Severe bleeding and suppuration.
  • Addition of secondary bacterial flora.
  • Implant displacement.
  • Capsular contracture.

If breast augmentation is performed by an experienced surgeon in a modern clinic like Prof Clinic, the risk of postoperative complications is reduced to zero. The patient’s compliance with many recommendations is of great importance. These include:

  • Physical rest in the first days after surgery, eliminates any stress, especially on the shoulder girdle, which allows you to speed up the removal of swelling and relief from pain.
  • Mandatory wearing of compression garments to normalize blood circulation and lymph flow in the chest area.
  • Prohibition on raising arms above the chest area, since such actions can lead to Disruption of the integrity of the seams.
  • You cannot sleep on your side or stomach; it is recommended to sleep on your back.
  • A ban on visiting the swimming pool, sauna, bathhouse, and fitness club, as well as staying on the beach and other places in direct sunlight.

Compliance with the recommendations listed is mandatory for 4–6 weeks. During this time, a capsule is formed in the implant area, and the breasts drop slightly and take on the most natural shape and correct anatomical position.

Guidelines on Recovery Period After Getting Breast Augmentation in Turkey

  1. Diet is important for successful recovery. The menu should include dishes with a sufficient amount of protein, which is the building material of all cells and tissues. Recommended are lean meats (chicken, turkey, rabbit), fish, eggs, and caviar. Nuts and olive oil are beneficial. Fried and spicy foods, as well as fast food, are not recommended. Compliance with the drinking regime is of great importance; green tea, fruit drinks, and unsweetened compotes are useful during the recovery period. It is better to avoid drinking strong tea and coffee. The recommended volume of fluid consumed is 1–1.5 liters per day.
  2. After a month, many restrictions apply, for example, on lifting weights, intense sports, sunbathing in a solarium or on the beach, and driving a car. The duration of the restrictions ranges from 2 to 6 months; more precise recommendations can be obtained from your doctor.
  3. After breast augmentation in Turkey, there is also a ban on sudden weight changes. Gaining extra pounds leads to the appearance of stretch marks and sagging breasts, and losing weight leads to protrusion of the implants along the edge.
  4. A month after breast augmentation surgery, the patient should visit the doctor to evaluate the result. By this time, the swelling has completely subsided, the feeling of pain and discomfort goes away, and it is possible to evaluate the new shape and size of the breast. After examination by a doctor, some restrictions are lifted, but heavy physical activity is not recommended. Compression garments are replaced with soft, supportive bras without wires.
  5. The recovery period is considered completed after 4–6 months. At this time, we can conclude that the implants have finally engrafted, and the breasts have acquired volume and an attractive shape. All restrictions are lifted, but the chest area should be protected from direct sunlight.

During the entire early and late recovery period, the patient should be under the supervision of a plastic surgeon to monitor the condition of the breast and general well-being.

Breast Augmentation

Advantages of undergoing Breast Augmentation Surgery in Istanbul at Prof Clinic

  • All plastic surgeries are performed by experienced doctors, which eliminates the unpredictability of the result, the risk of postoperative complications, and the likelihood of implant rejection.
  • Prof clinic is equipped with innovative equipment; during the operation and postoperative recovery, only high-quality drugs and consumables from trusted manufacturers are used.
  • You can get a free consultation
  • If your plans include breast augmentation or correction of its shape, you are looking for experienced plastic surgeons in Turkey, leave a request on the website or contact the clinic directly 
  • The initial appointment is free. It will help you navigate the cost of the operation, familiarize yourself with the features of its implementation, allow you to get answers to your questions, and decide on the methods of performing breast augmentation correction.

Contact Us Today to Discover More Information About Breast Augmentation in Istanbul.

At Prof Clinic we have been successfully performing breast augmentation for decades. Providing quality of life and meeting the aesthetic and health expectations of our patients.

We will be happy to answer all your questions about breast augmentation, ensuring excellent results in terms of naturalness and stability over time from the hands of our expert surgeons. 

FAQs About Facelift in Turkey

Plastic surgeons try to hide the incision site as much as possible in the natural folds of the body. Where this is not possible, the doctor works very carefully, using modern suture material and new technologies to help tissue heal. It is very important to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and conscientiously care for the incision site after surgery. 

Carrying out several interventions like breast augmentation with facelift simultaneously is the most preferable option, since this allows all the patient’s aesthetic requests to be fulfilled during one period of being under anesthesia. This also reduces the overall duration of the recovery period after surgery.

The installation of breast implants does not affect a woman’s lactation. It is important not to affect the glandular duct structures and nerves around the nipple. In such cases, implants are installed using submammary access.

It cannot be said with certainty that implants need to be replaced after 5, 10, or 15 years. If the breasts are in good shape, there is no capsule, and the breasts are soft, mobile, and do not bother you, then there is no point in replacing implants with new ones. However, it is important to do an ultrasound of the mammary glands once a year to be sure there are no problems.

It all depends on the initial breast size. Do not forget that the new breasts should look harmonious with the patient’s body type and take into account her wishes regarding size. Typically, breast enlargement occurs in 1-2 sizes, but the shape is significantly adjusted.

Wearing special underwear after mammoplasty is perhaps the most important rule for successful rehabilitation. Special compression garments to fix the position of the implants and form a beautiful bust, as a rule, need to be worn for 2 months. At the end of this period, you can again wear bras with wires.