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Author: <span>prof</span>

Author: prof

8 Most Common Types Of Veneers in Istanbul

8 Most Common Types Of Veneers in Istanbul

All Information about 8 Most Common Types Of Veneers in Istanbul, Turkey Dental tourism is popular in Istanbul, the country’s cultural and financial center. Veneers are among the most sought-after dental operations for which patients travel from all over the…

Facelift In Turkey

Facelift In Turkey

Some facelift benefits are: Reverses the Appearance of Aging Facelift surgery, when performed properly, can: Turn back the clock Smooth the skin Firm up muscle tone Restore an attractive facial contour The procedure isn’t designed to make you look like…

Dental Implant Procedure Time

Dental Implant Procedure Time

What Are Dental Implants? Dental Implants, often made of strong stuff like titanium or a type of crystal, go into the jaw to fill spots where teeth are gone. They hold fake teeth like crowns, bridges, or fake teeth sets.…